Why study at In-Spires Reflexology College?
- You will follow an OFQUAL regulated course awarded by Agored Cymru worth 79 credits.
- This level 5 qualification is allied to the sector for 'nursing and subjects and vocations allied to medicine.'.
- A highly experienced, enthusiastic, dedicated and supportive tutor (who has also done this course).
- You will learn practical foot, hand, auricular and facial reflexology.
- Small groups so lots of 1:1 attention and support.
- Weekday, term time classes with hours to fit in with wrap around care at school if you need it.
- Printed resources each lesson plus access to electronic versions in a variety of forms including a secure hub area on this website.
- Adaptive Integrated Reflexology (a technique exclusive to IRC Centres).
- Up to date content to include supporting babies, adolescents, fertility, maternity, menopause and andropause.
- No prior learning/knowledge required.
- Learn about the pathophysiology of disease in a plain, accessible but applied manner.
- Learn how to create a bespoke treatment plan.
- Consider how to create a successful business that will work for you.
- Look at research papers and understand how these reports can help today's reflexologist.
- Fun lessons with lots of practical and applied learning.